2017 University of Twente - Masterthesis (EN) (Lead-author) "Honesty-Humility and Openness To Experience as Predictors of Hypothesis Confidence Among High-School Students"
Abstract The present research explores the relationship between personality and confidence within the educational context of hypothesis generation. The personality traits of Honesty-Humility and Openness to Experience are introduced as prominent traits with regard to (over-)confidence. High school children (n = 151) in the first form (age 11-14) were assessed on personality using the HEXACO-SPI. Subsequently, participants completed four assignments on hypothesis generation using digital simulations in the field of science education. For each assignment they could indicate their level of Hypothesis Confidence on a meter. The hypotheses were assessed on accuracy to signal possible (over)confidence bias. Findings indicate that boys have a higher level of both Hypothesis Confidence and Overconfidence than girls. A regression model with Gender, Age, Accuracy and Broad Personality turned out to explain a significant amount of variance in Hypothesis Confidence. Furthermore, the narrow personality traits were found to explain more incremental variance than accuracy, gender and age. Overall, it was concluded that Hypothesis Confidence is indeed partly personality-rooted. The study concludes proposing guidelines for the development of an intervention directed at enhancing confidence by creating self-awareness into personality. Since personality and confidence predict academic achievement, this will in the long run reflect positively in academic performances as well.
2016 NSCU - "Werkplekleren in de Zorg" (NL) (Co-author)
During an internship/project for the course "HRD Design and Consultancy in a live context" I had the opportunity to investigate- and formulate guidelines for Self-Directed Learning (SDL) within nursing-teams at the Ziekenhuisgroep Twente (ZGT). A summary of the findings of the student teams was reported in the magazine of the Nederlandse Stichting voor Corporate Universities (NSCU). Tim Hirschler (University of Twente) was the lead author and supervisor for this project.